The action drama - commedy movie has some top list of cast including Anoop Bikram Shahi , Dayahang Rai , Arpan Thapa and introduce Diya Pun from Uk.
After a hardwork, finally a movie is completed.
Due to current situation of country, the movie is going to release in 2016 and a movie team is planning to release the trailer of a movie soon .
Photos Behind The Scene:
Anoop Bikram Shahi and Diya Pun on the set of movie Bir Bikram
Diya Pun on the set of movie Bir Bikram
Anoop Bikram Shahi ,Arpan Thapa , Milan Chams And Dayahang Rai on the set of movie Bir Bikram
Anoop Bikram Shahi and Diya Pun on the set of movie Bir Bikram
Dayahang Rai and Diya Pun on the set of movie Bir Bikram
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